
2015-09-21 22:04:46



1.    交易新手剛開接觸交易的時候都是以一種初學者的心態。禅宗大師Shunryu Suzuki贊揚了初學者的心態,因為他們開放、空白、時刻準備著接受任何事物。這就是新手的心態,沒有被商業新聞和狗屁數據所荼毒,沒有被經濟新聞和移動均線所影響。簡而言之,一個交易新手不會在交易的時候想太多。

2.    交易新手有無限的可能性。在他們有了多年交易經驗的時候,在他們損失了幾筆錢之後,他們就會開始害怕。這種恐懼深深地埋在心底,這種恐懼讓你在剛開始盈利的時候就趕緊平倉,因為你見過太多人在盈利的時候不收手結果最終血本無歸了。這種恐懼讓你在稍有虧損時就趕緊平倉,然後關掉電腦,因為你不想有更大的損失。交易新手不會這麼做,他們很樂觀,他們批評這種做法。

3.    交易新手不會覺得賺夠了。交易老手都是自大的王八蛋,吹噓他們賺了幾筆大的。新手渴望勝利並願意為之付出。老手則看穿了一切,用自己的想法來操控交易。新手沒有自己的想法,他們一點也不傲慢,因為他們知道自己是無知的。你應該記住,你對市場的實際了解,一定比你以為的要少得多,而你的能力比你一開始以為的要多很多。這聽起來自相矛盾,卻是交易新手的真理。

4.    交易新手沒有太多的交易知識。親愛的朋友,這是新手成功的關鍵因素。當我們知道得多了,就會再三思考。我們的思維邏輯是這樣的:一思清晰,再思猶豫,三思放棄。我們在交易之前就會面臨很大的阻力。也許我們突然想起某個唠叨的專家曾在電視上提過一嘴,就信以為真,而不再相信自己的判斷了。而交易新手的思維邏輯這樣的:開單,平倉,再開單,賺了。

這篇文章深受《禅者的初心》的影響,這是我最喜歡的一本書,作者是Shunryu Suzuki

What Are Some Mistakes That New Traders Make That Veteran Traders Do Not?

Well, that’s a great question. And to express my appreciation for the fact that you took the time to ask it, I am going to answer a different question. You see, new traders do a lot of things right. So many things right, in fact, that veteran traders spend a lot of time making fun of new traders just to make themselves feel better.

Five Things New Traders Do Better Than Veteran Traders – Way Better

1)    New traders approach the market with a beginner’s mind. The late Shunryu Suzuki, a Zen master, praised the beginner’s mind because it is open, empty, ready for anything. This is the mind of the new trader. Unspoiled by business television and spreadsheets full of bullshit statistics. A new trader has not been corrupted by forum threads about economic news, or special moving averages that have been rubbed down or smoothed or aroused (or whatever). Simply put, a new trader trades better because she cannot and does not overthink her trades. 

2)    New traders see limitless possibility. But after a few years of trading, and a few big losses, they become afraid. This fear lives deep below the surface. This is the fear that tells you to close your winning trade quickly because you have seen too many winners become losers. This is the fear that convinces you to remove your stop and turn off the computer when your trade is losing, because you cannot stand to look at another loss. New traders don’t do these things. New traders are optimistic. They are criticized for this. But it is a beautiful and wondrous thing.

3)    New traders do not feel they have “arrived.” Veteran traders are often cocky sons of bitches who brag about their big wins. New traders are hungry for the victories and willing to work. Veteran traders “have seen it all,” and often allow their ego to control their trading. New traders have no ego. No arrogance. It’s because they know they are ignorant. We should all remember that we know far less than we think we do about the market, and at the same time we have far more capabilities than we can even at first understand. This is the paradoxical and wonderful truth of the beginning trader.

4)    New traders do not have a deep knowledge of trading. This, my friend, is at the core of a new trader’s ability to succeed. When we know too much about trading, we begin to think twice, and three times, and four times, about our trades. Our setups, once clear and obvious, become clouded by the knowledge that perhaps an economic report will disturb our setup, so we pass. Or a level of resistance far above must be hit before we can take our sell trade. Or we remember something that a windbag blowhard expert said on television about the Euro, and suddenly we trust some talking head idiot more than our own judgment. New traders see a setup. They take it. They close it. They move on. This is success.

This article is heavily influenced by my favorite book on trading, which is not even a book about trading. It is called Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, by Shunryu Suzuki. It is available here.





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