
2014-11-26 16:22:37



• 紮實的基礎知識;
• 識別市場中不斷出現的陷阱;
• 此外最重要的一點是,你需要對自己十分了解。


科學家對如何掌握一門特定的學科進行了大量的研究。Karl Anders和他的同事們對各領域的精英們調查之後發現變優秀需要一種特別的訓練方法,被他們稱作刻意練習並可以通過下方法識別:

• 註意力完全集中在如何提高自己的表現;
• 旨在提高表現的專項練習;
• 階梯式訓練。在掌握了簡單的技巧之後,逐漸的提高訓練難度;
• 及時和詳細的指導,以及對自己表現準確的反饋。

Karl Anders 發現在各領域所需要的刻意訓練都存在顯著的一致性。成為行業精英需要大約10年時間,每天大約4小時的訓練。不論你想成為一名奧運選手,一位科學家,或者是一位成功的商人,沒有什麼可以替代艱苦的訓練。



• 蠟燭圖或OHLC柱狀圖
• 成交量圖
• 趨勢
• 交易範圍
• 支撐和阻力
• 圖表類型
• 時間框架
• 週期


• 市場數據和行業指數的影響;
• 不同股票價格之間的聯系;
• 利率的影響;
• 股票、證券、貨幣、商品之間的聯系。






態度 v. 能力


• 精明的
• 精於世故的
• 節約的
• 考慮週到的
• 十分小心的


• 自我約束力
• 系統的方法
• 全面的研究和準備
• 準確的績效衡量
• 註意細節


Becoming an Expert Trader
(and the value of trading courses)

It may take 3 to 5 years to become a good trader. Becoming an expert could take even longer. No one can teach you to press a few buttons on your computer and make money. There are no magic formulas. What it takes is:
• a sound working knowledge of the basics;
• an understanding of the traps and pitfalls that you face in the market every day; and
• above all else, it requires an understanding of yourself.
What it Takes to Become an Expert
Scientists have conducted extensive research into what it takes to achieve mastery in a particular discipline. Karl Anders Ericsson and his colleagues studied top performers in a wide variety of fields and identified a specific type of practice, which they call deliberate practice, that is required to achieve excellence (Ericsson and Charness, 1994). Ericsson observes that deliberate practice can be identified by:
• performance with full concentration, focused on generating improvement;
• special exercises designed to improve performance;
• graduated tasks, with easier skills being mastered before more difficult skills are attempted;
• close guidance and timely, accurate feedback on performance.
Ericsson also found significant uniformity, across a wide range of fields, in the amount of deliberate practice required. To achieve excellence takes about ten years, and about four hours of practice a day. Whether you want to be an Olympic athlete, a research scientist or an expert trader, there is no substitute for hard work.
Know the Basics
A few hours reading will acquaint you with the basics. If that was all that you need to know, trading would be simple. If you read a Spanish dictionary from A to Z, you would still not be able to speak the language. Like learning Spanish, what you require is fluency in the language of the charts:
• candlesticks or OHLC bars
• volume
• trends
• trading ranges
• support and resistance
• chart patterns
• time frames
• cycles
You also need to understand:
• the influence of market and sector indices;
• the interaction between various equity markets;
• the impact of interest rates; and
• the interaction between equities, bonds, currencies and commodities.
It takes hours and hours of practice, analyzing charts and applying the theory, before you will achieve any form of fluency. That is why so many traders head off after indicators - in search of a short cut.

Traps & Pitfalls
You need to acquaint yourself with the tricks of market professionals. Again, there is no substitute for experience. The best way to learn is to trade. You are bound to get burnt a few times; having your stops shaken out or being suckered into chasing the price up, only to see it fall. Obviously, if you know that you are likely to get burnt, you don't want to burn all your capital in the process; so start trading with as small an amount of capital as is practical.
Know Thyself
Understanding yourself is the hardest lesson of all to learn. Confronting your own human failings is no pleasant task; and one that most of us avoid at all costs. We all start out thinking that we are bullet-proof; that we know better; that we will never fall into all the obvious traps. All too soon we are drawn like moths to a flame, committing the same mistakes as  the "suckers". Only through experience can we learn how to control this.
This above all: to thine own self be true

~ William Shakespeare: Hamlet ACT I Scene 3
Attitude v. Ability
If I had to sum it up: Trading is 90% attitude and 10% ability. Most of us have the ability to become a successful trader. But few have the right attitude.
A successful trader should be both canny and self-disciplined.
Canny is a Scottish word meaning:
• shrewd
• worldly-wise
• thrifty
• circumspect
• cautious
Self discipline requires:
• self-control
• a systematic approach
• thorough research and preparation
• accurate performance measurement
• attention to detail
Both of these attitudes can be learned, but it takes time to develop new thinking habits. The only way is bydeliberate practice.
Prudent, cautious self-control is wisdom's root.

~ Robert Burns





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