始於2008  原始點差  不加佣金。
2015-03-10 16:02:47
交易方案有以下三種交易類型方式:1. 定向交易——買或賣主要貨幣對(EUR、GBP、YEN、CHF、AUD 以及 CAD)——在價格最高點處做空,並當價格探底時平倉獲利。2.技術策略交易——在價格最高點上方買入,並在價格快速上升時平倉;或者,在價格最低點下方做空,並當價格快速下降時平倉獲利。識別操作者的意圖、選擇正確的交易方式是保證你盈利的唯一辦法。
對沖策略:這是雙向參與市場交易的方法,因為市場總是有可能向任一方向移動。1、你可以選擇諸如EUR/GBP或者EUR/CHF等的貨幣對做對沖。在給定的時間内做多ERU/USD挂多單,EUR/GBP挂空單,並設25點的止損。一旦市場方向確定,那麼與市場方向相反的單子就會被觸發止損,與市場方向相同的單子則可以實現50~60點的盈利。同樣,EUR/USD、USD/CHF也可以使用上述對沖方法。2、你可以利用另外一個平台實現同樣貨幣對的對沖。其中一個平台做多EUR/GBP,另外一個平台在EUR/GBP的止損位置設置做空挂單。這樣你一個平台的虧損就可以在另外一個平台得到彌補。你也可以在空單挂單下面10個點處設置做多挂單或者等待市場恢複。在給定的時間内,市場可能向某一個方向移動一百點,接下來回調50點。所以,如果市場價格下降,一個平台的空單挂單被觸發,你應該在獲利60點的位置平倉並做多。在價格回調50%之後,不論多單是盈利還是虧損,都應該平倉。這些交易應該在一個交易時段(8小時)内完成。3、雙重對沖——你可以在一個平台設置某一貨幣對的做多挂單,另外一個平台在該貨幣對的止損位置處設置2倍於多單交易量的做空挂單。這會讓你在一個交易時段的2個小時内獲利。一旦行情變得明朗,你關閉其中一個逆市的挂單。如果雙重做空的挂單進場,那麼當其盈利2倍於多單虧損時,關閉一半倉位,這樣你就實現了完全 盈利。
Trading strategies and solutionsTrading StrategiesTrades differ based on the variations in market conditions from time to time. Many traders make huge losses in markets based on misguided market perceptions of analysts, dealers of banks and anyone willing to offer an opinion on the market. The reason is quite simple -- knowingly or unknowingly they are all part of the operators group. So in the name of technical and fundamental analysis, and a nicely formatted disclaimer, they continue to misguide traders making currency trading look a lot similar to gambling.The Trading solutionThere are three type of trades:1. Directional trade - Doing a Sell and Buy trade in other majors (EUR,GBP,YEN,CHF,AUD and CAD) - Sell near the high and book profit near the low.2. Technical trade - Buy above the high in other majors and close during quick spikes / Sell below the low in other majors and book profit during quick downward spikes.Identification of the operator intention and the selection of the right type of trade is the only solution that will give an assured profit.Trade at EaseThe main attraction of trading is the potential to earn money faster than any other normal process of earning. Every one wants to earn in order to support and enhance their living conditions. But trading will look like gambling if you don't understand the game and also the potential traps. An objective trader needs to have a strong mind to take calm decisions during distress conditions and not give in to emotional or frustrated decisions.Those who make emotional trades become the target of the operators. Operators know well that making very quick spikes trigger strong emotions and make traders do distress trades with the existing position or take new positions without having understood their overall intention. The question is - "Can you prevent such trades by understanding the intentions of the operators?".The answer is - "Yes, it is possible." We can trade at ease by using hedging and advance hedging. We can use them instead of stops and aim to do either way trades if possible. Hedging will also help us to carry forward the positions without any equity loss, till a favorable move comes. Choosing a platform that does not collect over night interest or premium is the best for such position trading at ease. GCI Financial's (one of our affiliates) trading platform has such facilities keeping in mind that traders should not be restricted at all sides. Trading at ease is the objective.You can do easy tension free trades through this trading platform specially designed keeping traders requirements in mind.A few sample trading strategies:Hedging strategies:It is a two-way participation in market as the market can either move up or down.1.You can take two pairs like Euro and GBP or Euro and CHF for hedging. Take euro long and GBP short at a given time. Put stop with 25 pips. Once the direction of the market is known then the unfavorable will trigger stop and favorable allow profit booking of 50-60 pips. Similarly Euro long CHF long and do the same.2.You can take the hedging in another platform in the same currency. Take EURO long in one and the stop level short in another platform. Your loss is one is compensated in another. Either you can cut the long 10 pip below the short level or wait for the market to recover. the market will move in one direction maximum of 100 pips in a given time and then it retraces 50% immediately. So if the market moves down then the stop in another platform is triggered and book profit with 60 pips profit. and then take a long there and once 50% recovery comes book profit around the initial buy level and cut the original long with minimal loss or profit. This you have to do within a session.(8 Hrs)3.Hedging with double - you can take long in one pair and double short in the same in another platform at stop level. This will make you to book profit in 2 hrs time with in session. Once the direction become clear after taking the position you can cut the unfavorable and allow the other to run and once you cover the double short - one out of that will compensate the loss in stop trigger in the unfavorable and the other will be the profit.Ways to view Stops:1.To avoid unexpected loss - put stop above 30-50 pips, the loss is limited and don't do further trades if the stop is triggered.2.Using stop in trading strategy -when you feel the market will rise from a correction level you buy and put stop with 10 pip below the days low. This can be even double stop (double the quantity of long). This helps to restrict the loss once the trading zone is shifted. Double stop will make you short with one lot and once you cover the short with equal or more of the initial loss levels then you come out with no loss or with profit.3.Stop can be a hedging - when you have a long in one currency like euro, then the corresponding currency either in GBP you can take short at the same time or long in CHF at the same time. So if the market is unfavorable in one pair then it is favorable in another pair - once 35 pips loss is seen in one, cut that position and allow the other profit to run to make more than 35 pips profits in a given day. This strategy you can adopt at any given time - preferably at the beginning of a session.
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外匯和其他產品保證金交易存在高風險,不適合所有投資者。虧損可能超出您的賬戶註資。增大槓桿意味著增加風險。在決定交易外匯之前,您需仔細考慮您的財務目標、經驗水平和風險承受能力。文中所含任何意見、新聞、研究、分析、報價或其他信息等都僅 作與本文所含主題相關的一般類信息.
同時, 兄弟財經不提供任何投資、法律或稅務的建議。您需向合適的顧問徵詢所有關於投資、法律或稅務方面的事宜。
金融產品保證金交易存在極高的風險,未必適合所有的投資者,請不要相信任何高額投資收益的誘導而貿然投資! 在您決定投資槓桿類金融產品時,請務必考慮您的經驗水平和風險承受能力,投資導致的損失有可能超過存入的資金,因此您不應該以不能承受損失的資金來投資!投資風險不僅來自於槓桿交易,也有可能來自於交易商, 請仔細甄選合規的交易商以規避風險!所有投資者的交易帳戶應僅限本人使用,不應交予第三方操作,任何由接受第三方喊單、操盤等服務而導致的風險和虧損應自己承擔,責任自負!
兄弟財經是一間獨立的咨詢服務公司,不隸屬於任何交易商,僅向投資者提供信息咨詢、降低投資成本的咨詢類服務。 兄弟財經不邀約客戶投資任何槓桿類的金融產品,不接觸投資者資金及賬戶信息,不提供交易建議,不提供操盤服務,不推薦交易商, 投資者自行選擇交易商,兄弟財經僅提供信息咨詢,交易商的任何行為均與兄弟財經無關!
所有投資者均為自行選擇且直接前往交易商官網進行投資行為(包括提交開戶資料和存取資金),兄弟財經不承擔客戶與交易商之間的交易争議及由交易商問題造成經濟損失的責任。 如果您不了解槓桿類金融產品市場的風險,請千萬不要參與相關投資交易!