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2015-05-21 20:43:13
出乎所有人的預料,英國保守黨當選並將成立多數派政府。這與金融市場過山車似的一週相吻合:上半週由於歐央行超寬松的貨幣政策面臨解體的危機,資產價格大幅上漲;而下半週則以 “金發姑娘”美國的就業報告幫助穩定了大衆的神經而結束。市場越來越悲觀的氣氛肯定不是來源於美聯儲主席耶倫對股票和債券市場過高估值的暗示,因為市場似乎已經在週五下午遺忘了該暗示。
讓我們以下圖德國十年期國債為例子。在價格高峰,10年期國債的年收益是0.05%,這種趨勢可以推測出10到期之後的累計收益僅為0.5%。當然,多頭認為由於歐央行的寬松貨幣政策,收益率可能會低至-0.2%。因此,他們會選擇在未來價格較高的時候賣給某人(假定是歐央行)。同時,任何一個頭腦清醒的人都會說,年收益為0.05%的10年期債券具有存在泡沫的可能性。幾乎不可避免的是,如果歐元價格從最高處下跌5.76%,你的4個月收益會在13天内化為烏有。對於那些持有意大利或者西班牙國債的人來說,由於年收益高於1%,債券期貨價格會分別下降7.4% 和 7.1%。
我們可以從三天内有五位美聯儲官員就此進行讨論的事實看出美聯儲對金融穩定性的關心。誠然,美聯儲經常會讨論金融的穩定性,但是從近期新聞頭條可以看出,他們現在比以往任何時候都擔心巨大泡沫的產生:美聯儲Kocher Lakota:警惕金融不穩定的風險(註意,Kocher Lakota是美聯儲最溫和的理事)GEORGE:貨幣政策很明顯地存在冒險行為Lockhart :不要“過度擔心”股票的估值(提示:很明顯,他已經有點擔心)Evans:不要懷疑:股票市場處於高價位Yellen :股票市場的估值非常高。
總的來說,英國大選的溫和結果預示著歐洲似乎躲過了一場小危機。當局正在努力說服我們他們已經掌控了一切,這進一步鼓勵了投機行為,推動了價格進一步上升。然而,我們將上週的結果視作對投資者的一個警告。當局薄弱的操控手段隨時都有可能失效,或者他們會改變政策並有可能帶來更大的恐慌。股票市場熊市何時到來是無法確定的,但我們相信繼續留在大部分股票以及債券市場的風險性在逐漸增加。不幸的是,可以帶來良好收益的安全資產很少,這也就是投資者繼續投資風險資產的原因。那些避免投資具有明顯泡沫資產的投資者的信譽是經受住嚴峻考驗的,就像1999年、2007年或者1929年的情況一樣。耐心會得到某種形式的回報。而當小危機逐漸擴大化,那些持有大量現金的投資者會非常欣慰的。Stewart Richardson首席投資官
Benign UK Election Result and the End of a Mini-Meltdown in EuropeMay 14, 2015Against all expectations, the UK elected a majority government returning the Conservatives to power. This coincided with financial markets ending a rollercoaster week on a positive note after a “goldilocks” US employment report helped steady nerves. During the first half of the week, it had appeared that the significant rise in asset prices fuelled by the ultra-easy monetary policies from the European Central Bank was at risk of unravelling. The increasingly bearish atmosphere was certainly not helped by mid-week comments from Fed Chair Yellen implying valuations in both equity and bond markets were very high; comments that seem to have been forgotten by Friday afternoon.It is clearly good news that we in the UK woke up to a single party majority government rather than a messy and divisive minority or coalition. This better outcome was quickly reflected in higher UK asset prices and a rally in Sterling. However, we believe that the hard work begins here. There will be issues for the Conservatives to tackle, such as how to deal with Scotland and of course the relationship with Europe. However, it is important to remember that, politics aside, the UK has a massive twin deficit problem. The current account and fiscal deficits are approximately 10% of GDP combined; a level that would be associated more often with a country facing a crisis and, as with the rest of the world, growth has been anaemic considering the stimulus provided. We do not see any easy solution to tackling these deficits without pain for either the economy or the financial markets. We will no doubt discuss this in more detail in a subsequent note.The election came at the end of a disturbing few days for European assets. The environment remains that investors believe in the omnipotence of central bankers and their ability to manage markets and the economy. Although economic growth has been incredibly poor in recent years considering the ultra-easy monetary policies pursued by central banks, investors have become increasingly reliant on the support of central banks as market valuations stretch to historical extremes. Investors have become incredibly complacent that nothing horrible can happen as long as central bank support continues and so they blindly pile into momentum trades with no regard for fundamental valuations. Simply put, this works until it doesn’t, and when the music stops as it appeared to in mid April, there is simply no exit opportunity for most investors as prices decline in waterfall fashion in extremely illiquid markets. In these conditions, losses mount very quickly and months of gains are wiped out in just a few days. That certainly appeared to occur in Europe this week.It is simply not possible to know with any certainty when these mini meltdowns will occur and why, and indeed, whether these will be followed by swift upside reversals or morph into real bear markets. All we can say is that they are the inevitable result of bubble markets and will happen when central banks either withdraw their support as the Swiss National Bank did in January (causing significant losses for many in the FX market), or market participants start to believe that central banks have lost control (think Bank of England in 1992).Let’s take the example of the 10 year German bond shown in the chart below. At the peak price, the yield to maturity on the 10 year Bund was 0.05% per annum, thereby guaranteeing a total cumulative return of just 0.5% over 10 years if held to maturity. Of course, the bulls were arguing that capital gains were on offer as the ultra-easy monetary policies from the ECB could force the yield into negative territory, perhaps as low as minus 0.2%, and that they could sell to someone else (presumably the ECB) at a higher price sometime in the future. Whilst that was always possible, who in their right mind could argue that at a yield of 0.05% per annum the 10 year bund was not in a bubble? Subsequently and almost inevitably, not only did the price of the Bund future fall by 5.76% from high to low, it took only 13 days to wipe out 4 months of gains. For those holding Italian and Spanish debt because yields were above 1% per annum, prices fell by 7.4% and 7.1% respectively, as measured by the bond futures price.Whilst we have been far from alone in describing negative bond yields as insane, investors need to allocate their money somewhere. With cash at zero or even negative, many have been advocating equities where yields of more than 3% are available and there is the chance of long term capital gains. German equities fell by nearly 10% at the same time as the bond prices were falling as illustrated in the chart below. There was no place for European investors to hide during this recent mini meltdown.
It would appear that the FED in the US was watching the events in Europe closely. Despite negative rates and QE from the ECB, the Fed is now clearly worried about the unintended consequences of their ultra-easy policies since the 2008 crisis. In our view, they should be concerned because the economic fallout from bursting financial bubbles is so much worse that garden variety recessions. In fact, it beggars belief that the Fed has recreated their third bubble in 15 years, knowing that when this bursts the negative feedback into the real economy will be significant.Their concern about financial stability can been seen by the fact that, in just three days, five Fed Governors have talked about it. Admittedly, Fed governors are often scheduled to discuss financial instability, however, when we read these headlines, we can only believe that the Fed is more worried than ever about the creation of a significant bubble:KOCHERLAKOTA: FED IS ALERT FOR FINANCIAL INSTABILITY RISKS (Our note; this is from the most dovish Fed governor)GEORGE: CLEAR THAT MONETARY POLICY HAS IMPACT ON RISK TAKINGLOCKHART: NOT “INTENSELY CONCERNED” ABOUT STOCK VALUATIONS (Our note; he is obviously somewhat concerned)EVANS: “NO DOUBT ABOUT IT” THAT STOCK MARKET IS HIGHYELLEN: SAYS EQUITY MARKET VALUATION QUITE HIGHHaving ended QE late last year, the Fed have been building a narrative that they have everything under control. They argue that the economy is doing just fine. They would like to raise interest rates but the weak economic outcome is complicating matters and they want to see less highly valued financial markets without creating any panic. So far, investors have been generally buying into the Fed narrative, but they also did so in Europe, and then the markets there went into a mini meltdown. What happens if the US has a mini meltdown which leads to a bigger panic?Maybe the way to look at these mini meltdowns is like living with the threat of an earthquake in Tokyo or California, When the sun is out and the skies are blue you don’t worry. However, a tremor causes temporary panic, even if it turns out to be a minor. Life gets back to normal pretty quickly but deep down, we all know that “the big one” is overdue. We also know that “the big one” could be devastating and that the authorities will be utterly unable to prevent it or protect people properly. Living a good life (like being invested during a bull market) means investors are prepared to tolerate minor quakes, even when the authorities begin to warn that they could get worse because investors satisfy themselves they can leave when the risks become more obvious.The decent US employment report on Friday meant investors felt like they are waking up to a bright sunny morning without a cloud in the sky. The mini meltdown in European assets was like a minor tremor and the damage was limited. They want to get back to life as “normal” despite warnings from the authorities.So, to sum up here. The benign result of the UK election arrived as markets seemingly survived a mini meltdown in Europe. The authorities are working hard to convince us that they have everything under control which may encourage further speculation and push prices to new record highs. However, we view the action this past week as a warning to investors. The central banks fragile veneer of control could crumble at any time, or they may even choose to change policies that risk causing a larger panic. The timing of the start of a bear market in equities is uncertain but we believe the risks of staying invested in most equity and bond markets is both high and increasing. Unfortunately, there are very few safe assets that offer anything near a decent return, which is why investors keep reaching for yield in risky assets. The credibility for those investors who continue to avoid assets that are clearly in a bubble is being severely tested, as was the case in 1999 and 2007 and probably in 1929. Patience will be rewarded at some point, and those investors mostly in cash will be extremely pleased with themselves when the mini meltdowns turn into something bigger.Stewart RichardsonChief Investment Officer
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