
2016-06-27 16:43:33

 Elvis Picardo  2016626









鄰國受害:低利率會使本國貨幣貶值,這是一個許多依靠出口支撐經濟增長國家的央行希望看到的理想情況。問題是如果一個主要國家的貨幣貶值,會引發其貿易夥伴之間的競争性貶值,會產生一個“鄰國受害”的不利環境。鑒於許多國家已經出現負利率和貨幣貶值,巴西前財務部長Guido Mantega20109月發出國際貨幣戰争即將到來的警告似乎成為了一個預言。





Are Negative Interest Rates Good or Bad?

By Elvis Picardo, CFA | Updated June 26, 2016 — 10:15 AM EDT

The Great Recession ended in June 2009, but seven years later, one of its lasting legacies seems to be anemic economic growth. The International Monetary Fund, in its World Economic Outlook of April 2016, bemoaned the fact that global growth has been "too slow for too long." The IMF cited unfavorable demographic trends, low productivity growth, and the fallout from the global financial crisis as factors hampering growth in the advanced economies.

Many nations have adopted increasingly unconventional monetary policies to stimulate their economies and jumpstart growth; of these measures, negative interest rates are arguably the most controversial (See also: How Interest Rates Can Go Negative). So do negative interest rates help or hurt the economy? Here are three of their main pluses and minuses.

On the Plus Side

Negative interest rates spur consumer spending: Lower interest rates are a powerful tool to stimulate consumer spending. Consumers find it vastly preferable to spend their money on things they desire, when the alternative is to actually incur a penalty for depositing money in the bank. As well, servicing the debt used to purchase an automobile or household appliance is so much easier when the interest charged is close to zero or in the low single digits rather than in the high single digits or low teens. The caveat here is that in order to open up their wallets, consumers should have confidence in their economic prospects. For example, although interest rates in the United States are significantly higher than the levels prevailing in Europe, U.S. retail sales surged 1.3% in April – the biggest increase in 13 months – as consumer confidence rose close to a one-year high. In contrast, like its interest rates, European consumer confidence is in negative territory, measuring -7 (on a scale of -100 to +100) in May and reflecting some pessimism among consumers about the economy and their financial situation.

Negative rates should encourage banks to lend: Money is the fuel that powers an economy, and banks are the main provider of this vital ingredient. U.S. and European banks were so badly scarred by the damage inflicted on their balance sheets during the Great Recession that it took some years into the recovery before they were willing to make loans with an element of risk instead of parking funds at their respective central banks or in sovereign bonds. Negative deposit rates encourage banks to lend because the prospect of earning some interest income on their loans is preferable to the certainty of a negative return from holding excess funds at the central bank. Consider this example. In March 2016, the European Central Bank took the rate on its deposit facility deeper into negative territory, charging banks 0.4% to hold their cash overnight. At the same time, it cut its benchmark lending and marginal lending rates by 5 basis points to 0% and 0.25% respectively, in order to encourage banks to borrow and extend more loans. If these incentives do not bolster the confidence of euro-area banks to make more loans, what will?

Negative rates boost investments: Negative rates also boost investments because the cost of funding is so low. Companies may be induced to invest in new facilities, technology, R&D and other productive assets, while investors will target real estate, stocks and other assets that hold the promise of a positive return. Of course, the risk of such "carry trades" is that they may spawn massive asset bubbles, as explained in the next section. However, while record low interest rates were a key factor in enabling stock markets to reach new peaks by June 2015, they were also instrumental in fostering a global recovery from the worst recession in more than 60 years.

On the Minus Side

Bubbling over: While central banks want to encourage banks to take measured risks in their loan portfolios, the danger is that record-low interest rates may promote excessive speculation and create bubbles in many parts of the economy. Housing markets in many nations are considered to be highly overvalued, and given their importance to national economies, the bursting of these real estate "bubbles" can have dire consequences. Warren Buffett remarked in a CNBC interview in May that if there was absolute certainty interest rates would be at zero for 50 years, the Dow Jones Industrial Average would hit 100,000 because stocks would be selling at 100 or 200 times earnings. That's not to say Buffett is endorsing rampant speculation; rather, his comment gives an idea of how far valuations can be stretched in a "low for long" interest rate environment.

Beggar thy neighbor: A negative interest rate pushes down the domestic currency, which is a desirable outcome for many central banks that are depending on export-driven growth to revitalize their moribund economies. The problem is that if a major nation depreciates its currency – either overtly or covertly – it may set off a round of competitive devaluations among its trading partners, giving rise to an unhealthy "beggar thy neighbor" environment. With negative interest rates and sliding currencies now the norm in many countries, former Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega's warning back in September 2010 that an international currency war had broken out seems prophetic.

Uncharted territory: A key risk of a negative interest rate policy is that it is uncharted territory and may have unforeseen consequences. Negative rates pose more questions than answers, such as – Do negative rates impair confidence because they signal that the economy is in dire straits? How and when will central banks ever get back to normalizing monetary policy? Is there a risk of runaway inflation building up over time?

The Bottom Line

Negative interest rates spur consumer spending, should encourage bank lending, and boost investments. On the flip side, they can create massive asset bubbles, set off competitive devaluations, and may have unforeseen consequences. Not surprisingly, the jury is still out on the effectiveness of negative interest rates, and whether they help or hurt the economy.






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